Thursday, March 21, 2024


there are times

when the shrill 

voices beyond my

curtains rev into

threatening barks

melodious in their


each call takes on the

the thrust of 

a heaving javelin, 

acute in its course

the brightness of 

the sun becomes a 

spotlight for the

watch-guard in the sky,

and my front 

door twists into 

the maw of some

grave animal, waiting

within my place, 

time slyly passes,

and the voices of

the shrill devolve

into a smattering

cloud of inconsequential


and the sun, now

timid, flickers in the

abandonment of 

its keep, while my 

front door recedes

back into the stasis

of the growing night

Thursday, August 17, 2023

the machine

the machine whirs

sputtering, incandescent

its pulleys and levers,

its diodes and dials,

its meters and gauges

read, work, and move

with an uncanny precision

occasionally a shudder

or terrible groan

might throw its rhythm

and soon thereafter

a foghorn will sound—

indication of the

machine's arrest

so in its stuttering bliss

its abstruse nature

might be met with

the smack of a palm

or the taste of steel-toe

only to cough up 

smoke once more 

still, the machine

with its chronometers

and its manuals,

with its whistles

and its circuits,

with its reservoirs,

and its ducts

will go on whirring 

as it always has 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022


that gentle, disarming spring


draws the smell of dew 

from the ground

refracts memories, injecting

a tonal softness felt in every

drop of rain

now tepid, almost harmless,

the soil remembers 

the shape of your feet, the

stride between each step, 

the cadence of your gait, 

it's just by luck that this 

loamy planet with its 

empty plains should

receive you 

and the wonder you 

inspire into its star-ridden 


for there is your true audience

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

the ache of February

my, how the birds' calls work collaterally to
form something savage on overcast days

a cacophony of choral sounds, a canopy
of chirping and croaks, a debilitating 
yearning in the way their voices
come together

indifferent among the trees, each 
voice carries another's, slipstreams of 
sounds reaching doorsteps, the ears of 
the neighborhood ringing,

with the indiscriminate ache 
of February, a form of tinnitus
often misunderstood 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


sun-touched, wavering;

that beech out front

was as much to me a 

medicine cabinet as it 

were the lifeblood of 

my window's overlook 

i've thought of it all;

the disarming nature

of your emasculating

touch, the trembling

tops of trees and how 

they'd whisper us

messages into the sky

that peerless royal blue;

were anything as benign

as the air that surrounds

you, the world would 

float into the ether

as though it was

helium that filled our

lungs all along 

Sunday, February 13, 2022

a grievance with the long island sound

crop circles of eddies 

kissed kindly into the 

neuston by immigrant

winds bring slow,

salted currents

a star overhead in its

fixture blinks with

an admiration endemic 

to the space between 

the peninsular part of

New York and a  

desperate stretch of 

land called Connecticut

either way, dancing 

plumes of lights scour

the bight's surface, 

as though the entire

body were held up

by paper lanterns 

anchored to the shores

a few barber shop 

poles stick out of the 

land like tent stakes

a ferry peels back

waves with incredible


a saline thought

is punctuated by

a cormorant's croak


more than once,

the thought of you

has brushed past my 


much like a trade wind

Sunday, February 6, 2022

miller pl.

lashings and engravings

labyrinth-like, a telling 

sort of discomfort told

in Lichtenberg figures

chicken scratched into

my back like nail marks

inconsolable, it's a sad

defiance that leads my 

resignation by the collar,

unmotivated, unkempt, 

that lenticular beauty 

softened me so

when gratitude finds 

me fleshy and beaten, 

rain carves meandering 

wrinkles into my 

naked skin, and

when i smile, it pours

i've got it in heaps,

a splintered thought

for every mile 

between us, now i 

find myself grateful 

for even overcast days

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

the merchant

within a lifetime i've lived

maybe, five others

today i'm a practicing salesman

selling myself ideas, concepts

things that won't age or turn 

brown if i forget to cover 

them in saran wrap

earlier, i sold myself 

a heinous thought:

the indelible absence

imprinted on your side of the

bed has left me with less room

than your small frame ever had


shaking the sentiment in

my hand like a broken toy,

i carefully laid the 

thought down among the 

other worn trinkets

i shook his hand 

and said goodbye, then

circled the bazaar 

until i came back

to his familiar face

with his grungy, pointed 

finger, he aimed his 

and my attention toward 

another item, an idea: 

i never realized how much 

time i spent

looking forward

to seeing you again until

all of my time was

mine to waste

a sort of tired look 

took over the 

merchant's face and,

digesting his commodity, 

it seemed to me 

as though it would be 

easier to negotiate gravity,

than it would be to reject

his venture

so i fingered my pocket

for sympathy and,

not unlike an addict,

allowed the memory 

to take me somewhere else

Thursday, August 19, 2021

tight rope

what an appreciation for patience i have

when it's you tugging at my nerves

how profound are your fingers when it's my skin 

receiving your touch

where the crop circles on your tips leave striations

all over my body until my skin

is completely covered by grooved canyons

and i glow with warmth wherever i go

Sunday, August 23, 2020


Outside of myself, I'm a rotting 
pile of teeth, knocking on 
doors, gumming the sill 
of opportunity. In every
attempt to breach the 
skin I've left striations 
but nothing more. My 
marked body is but a 
map to the intravenous 
catacombs underneath, 
where my spongy organs 
have been touched by 
light as often as my
knees have buckled
under the weight of my
skeletal frame. I've 
denied myself the 
luxury of not 
apologizing. I've
peeled scales from
my skin. My freckled 
body is a distortion and 
yet, I myself am its pigment.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


like a young rabbit, a pile of you

outlined by pearls of water,

brandishing your kind frame

with a thoughtful tone

and just adjacent from the drain, I 

was somewhere far off again

sometimes I exchange careful glances 

with the sun but rarely do I ask for its

validation, else I receive another burn

Monday, August 3, 2020

the scarecrow

i'm used to watching life peel away
its layers and reveals its innards.
    it can be the warm cadence of some
    beating heart,
or the swollen salivary
    glands of someone or something
    with a larger appetite for living 
than i've ever known.

    all the same, i watch. 

but i do even
    more than that.
    i mean that i exercise
my beliefs into existence.
    i mean that i rode the fucking
    elliptical all the way to
God's front porch every day
    for 13 years just to limp home
    with mosquito bites and
more questions.

    and it's better that way,

because if i saw that fuck
    i would thank him for thrusting
    me into a life of longing over
things controlled by the same
    forces that stop me from 
    skating on lily pads or being
    hanged from the moon 
or laughing over all of this 
with someone else.                                                                                                               

Sunday, August 2, 2020

performing in front of a live studio audience

here is not there 
because the sun stings my eyes 
whenever I look for the moon;
because I'm lethargic during the day, 
yet feel the gravity of anxiety at night.
I long for the things that 
have come unexpectedly 
and gone with urgency.

maybe that's why 
I pine for you and 
the familiar. 

I know now 
that both are as nefarious
as the disease that wears 
my grandfather's 
husk year-round, 
but still I visit him 
and the thought of you 
as much as my mind 
will let me. 

so let me ask:
when he passes
will the thoughts 
that I have of you 
do the same?

will I be able 
to feel warmth 
from the sun,
or admiration 
from the stars?

Saturday, August 1, 2020

My Trains

    School was out by a quarter-after-twelve. Every day, I would walk outside the school building and smoke would shoot from behind the line of trees, so I knew that Pa and all of the other factory men were hard at work. Pa explained that the smoke was a sign of a good economy.
    “If it weren’t for that smoke, we’d be on the streets,” he’d say, raising my eyes to his with a single finger dug under my chin, “Understand?” I didn’t understand but nodded like I did.

    Ma would come home from the piers just before Pa and she would have tar under every one of her fingernails and a solid layer of soot covering her face. She would come in the door, shut it behind her quick, and pull the blinds down to the floor so light couldn’t get in. Most days I forgot what she looked like without layers of dirt covering her face. She’d take off her work cap, smiling in my direction, and I’d remember as soon as I’d forgotten.

    Every day, Pa would come home, sore and dirty from spending time at the factory all day. He’d kick his tall leather boots to the side of the door and he’d go straight to the cupboard, find a shot glass and pour something as thick as syrup into it. When he swallowed it, he’d make an ugly face and sometimes I’d laugh. The more times he did that, the redder his face would get, and the redder his face would get, the more likely he was to push Ma around and after that, it wasn’t so funny anymore so I’d go downstairs and take my trains with me. It was important that the people on the trains got where they needed to go.

    Always in a hurry, Ma was. She’d give me a big kiss and she’d run to the den and in 10 seconds flat she’d be back and changed into her denim to work the dishes like Pa’s there telling her to. She’d work from her elbows, scraping the plates with steel and drying them after with her ruined, blue terry cloth. Right after cleaning the sink, she would get to folding Pa’s work clothes up on the line just outside the back door. Then she’d fold mine. Then hers. She did all of this under the tarp that Mr. Ferris from next door lent us to keep away all of the ash. I watched all of this from the table while my trains were getting refueled. 
    Occasionally she’d look back in the middle of her cleaning, flex her arm upward like she’s pulling a conductor’s horn and let out a roaring choo-choo. I’d laugh, and let my stomach burn, and Ma would join in and the house would be filled with our voices. We’d barely hear Pa stomping mud off of his steel-toe boots at the door.

    Every day, I would go outside and watch ash fall from the clouds of smoke above our town near the water. Ma said it reminded her of the snow up North. She said they would catch it on their tongues and dance in it. Ma said they’d make angels and igloos and she said it was Heaven, or as close to it as she’d ever been. The ash was salty and smelled like Pa’s boiled eggs but I stuck my tongue out anyway. I wanted to get to Heaven.

    “There’s no sense in that type of play,” Ma scolded, brushing the ash from my coat, hiding a smile. Pa didn’t hide smiles. Pa didn’t smile. He was always too tired; too tired to talk about the trains, the passengers, or where they were going.

    Sometimes Ma would crawl into my bedroll with me, long after Pa retired to his. Long after the passengers met their destinations and the conductors with their families at home, and long after the trains were stationed.

    “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be on one of those trains?” She’d say, holding the trains up to the lamplight. Pa’s snores could be heard across the house, and we’d laugh under the blankets so Pa couldn’t hear us. Then she’d wrap her arms around me and we’d fall asleep just like that, sharing the bedding with my trains and I.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

the novelty of cable television

me and someone talked for a while the other day

about the novelty of cable television

about its slow and painful death happening in real-time,

and about the loneliness left behind in its absence

we long to feel connected to the rest of the world,

we are so very desperate to bury our minds into

something that will tax only our time

and so, in a time where entertainment dominates

we've all but forgotten how to find humor 

without indication from a laugh track